Over the holidays, I toyed with Dead Air, a post nuclear solo RPG. You play as a DJ trying to give news, get equipment and helpers, and, more important than ever, keep the radio station alive. I had a lot of fun writing a script and finding music I could use online, mostly at The Funny Music Project (theFuMP.com) which does an excellent job at supporting podcasters and streamers by allowing people to use the music with a BY-NC-SA license—meaning you can distribute and remix it so long as you give credit, and you can’t charge for it and what you make must be under the same license.
I’m been trying to find a way I can livestream a solo RPG, but it bothered me to speak my answers to the prompt when they are meant to be written down (and I’m a better writer than improv person anyway.) Dead Air soon became the perfect thing for me, since to be fully in the spirit of the game, you should write the script and then record it. So I recorded the whole thing and played it during a co-working livestream on Twitch.
My intent was to make several Christmas-themed episodes in December, and since I’m posting this on January 21, you can guess how that turned out. Still, I might continue Ant Bee’s story if people enjoy it. I certainly had fun doing it.
Dead Air by Sleepy Sparrow Games
“So Long Mom, I’m Off to Drop the Bomb” by Tom Lehrer (public domain)
“The Laundromat of Sin” by Worm Quartet
“A Sack of Christmas Joy” by Bad Beth and Beyond
“Winter Slay Ride” by Consortium Of Genius
“Christmas Carol” by Tom Lehrer (ibid)
“Lean Christmas” by Devo Spice
“Let It Go” by Carla Ulbrich (used by permission)
“Pink Christmas” by Moneyshot Cosmonauts
“Who’s Next?" by Tom Lehrer (ibid)
Thanks to Devo Spice and Carla Ulbrich who helped me get this together! If you’d like me to continue these, I would love to hear it.
This show is available via Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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